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Search Engine Optimization Blueprint

Are you running a Business and you want to exponentially grow your business.? Are you not finding the ways to expand the business? Then this is for you. Learn all about SEO and Search Engine Optimization which can help you in ranking your Business website on the first page of the google search results.

Are you wondering how ranking a website on the first page of google will really help you in growing business? Let me explain you this way.

If you are having store in a city and people are trying hard to find your address to buy your services or products, but they are finding it very difficult to trace your address. Do you think you will scale up high in business. Your business will grow only when people can find your store and if you are approachable. So, in a similar way lot of people search for the kind of products and services provided by you in google. so, most of the people look the search results appearing on the first page only and they are lazy to go into the second page.

So, being on top of the search results in the first page means, more visitors looking at your website which means more sales. So optimizing your page with the rules of Search Engine Optimization is of utmost important.

Also becoming a SEO expert, can help you earn online income by providing services to Business community. Even there is a lot of demand for SEO experts in Freelancing and Gig Economy.

Here are the most important SEO aspects:

Relevant Content:

When people search in google or other search engines, the search engines job is to provide the relevant results which provide solutions to the users. Now, our job is to be part of that solution which search engine provides. This can be achieved by posting relevant content in your blog’s or displaying relevant products and services the people are looking for.

Keyword Research:

So, how do you get the relevant content or products or services, people are looking for? Here are the Top 10 tools which can help you in Keyword research and will show you what the people are searching for.

  1. Google Keyword Planner
  2. UberSuggest
  3. SEMRush
  4. AnswerThePublic
  5. ahrefs
  6. Google Trends
  7. Keyword Generator
  8. Amazon Keyword Tool
  9. Youtube Keyword Tool
  10. Bing Keyword Tool

Page level or Blog level Optimization:

Optimize your site at each page level or blog level. Use one keyword at each page level and use a bit of variations in the keywords rather than just using the same keyword again and again.

Use Keyword Synonyms:

Don’t use the same keyword matching words again and again and don’t spam your page with keywords and don’t sound like irrelevant. Don’t sound like you are optimizing your page or blog only for the sake of SEO. Use synonyms wherever possible which make most sense.

For ex: Yoga for well being, you can write something like Meditation for well being. So sound natural when you are writing your content and don’t over spam your page with only keywords.

Also you can also look out for thematically similar words and use them in relation to your keywords. This is called as Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI).

For getting more Ideas on thematic keywords visit LSIGraph.

Title Tags:

Title tags are the most important one’s when it comes to SEO. It is the primary thing for the users to understand what is that you want to talk about in a single glance. So, your title tag should be crisp and clear to understand. Without a good title tag, even if you rank top on search results people will not click your link. Also keep the title tags not more than 60 characters. If the title length is more then the title tag will be truncated and there will be ellipses (..) appearing when it is displayed in the search results. So try to keep the title tag crisp and short. if the title tag is not good enough then the Click through Rate (CTR) will not be good.

Also keep the title tag closer to the URL.

Ex: for well being

Meta Tags/Meta Description:

Meta tags or Meta description should have the most relevant keyword. This is the description which shows when we hover the cursor on the top of the website in IE/Chrome browser.

It does not improve the ranking directly, but it will improve the Click through Rate (CTR) when it is impressive.

The Meta Description should not be more than 160 characters.


It is always good to use Keywords in the URLs whenever you are starting a new piece of content. But, on the other hand don’t try to update the existing URL with keywords, when it is already driving the traffic to your blog. Updating the existing URLs just for the sake of keywords can have severe consequences and might lose your traffic.

And one more thing, getting the document closer to the root domain is much better as shown below. The first URL is much better.

  1.  —(Preferable) document closer to root domain
  2. —(not Preferable)

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4):

It is suggested to properly layout the content in the document with only one Header (H1) tag.

Image FileNames and Alternate text:

Make sure you name your image filenames and ALT text to be in a meaningful way. Don’t just try to use the same keywords everywhere in the file names and ALT text.

Page Links and Anchor Tags:

Linking other documents within the site is extremely helpful. That means receiving links into the current document is of great use. So, keep linking the documents in the content in a natural flow and don’t look like spamming the links.

Make sure the anchor text of these links is meaningful. Don’t use phrases like Click here, go to page etc. Give a meaningful anchor text which actually represents the link.

Document links are mainly useful if they are used within the body of the content and that too at the top of the content.

Latest Content:

Search engines always like to display the latest updated content and rank them on top. So keep updating the document on a regular basis and keep them fresh with latest updates, so that it can be ranked on the top.

If you want to lean more about Search Engine Optimization visit Digital Deepak’s blog @ A Beginners Guide to SEO

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