Hey guys, I started visualizing myself , how I would be by 2025. I just created my imaginary thoughts and created a frame of What I will be, Who I will be and How I will be by 2025.
These are my visualizations for 2025 and I am working towards reaching that target with focused approach. As our ancient saying goes,
“What we Think is what we Do”
“Our Thoughts determine our Action”
our mind is the place where our success starts growing in an exponential way.
**Here is my Vision for 2025, where I am being interviewed by a Journalist on the tremendous success which I have achieved in making India a Global Leader in various fields.
Spectacular Transformation of Analytics Ram
Here is the story of a man who has re-written history ..A story of a man who has transformed his life, with a mission…with a vision..with a determination in mind… to transform himself..to transform society..to transform Indian Agriculture System..to transform Indian Education System… with a never ending innovations in Artificial Intelligence
He is none other than Mr. Ram Mohan Ganday…..Analytics Ram
Today India is Leading in Agriculture Production in the whole world with a minimal investment for each acre for almost any kind of crop with the best nutrients available in those crops compared to any country…The whole of the world is just amazed by such a tremendous transformation in Indian Agriculture system..
Some of his best innovations include:
1. An AI based sensor detecting the climatic changes and protecting the crops from destruction against floods…against peak summer heat waves…from Pests ..and what not…preventing from any kind of damage to the crops…reaping high benefits to the farmers… It is the Golden Age to Farmers.
This system has been developed keeping in mind the small farmers who cannot afford a huge investment based automated system like this and it available with a minimal investment to them.

2. An AI based Career Prediction Tool, which helps individuals to determine which are the best career streams he can take in for becoming successful in life. This system works based on the individuals behavior, social behavior, the physical activity, the mental activity, the skills he has acquired etc..
He has transformed the Education system with his innovations in Artificial Intelligence.

He has written almost 100+ publications which are considered some of the best ever publications in the whole world. He has been honoured at multiple events across the world.
He is also known popular for his social service and seva activities and also in motivating people to help others and be united during the needy situations. He proudly says he is an RSS Swayam Sevak and working towards building a healthy, stronger and united India. Everyday morning he goes to RSS Shaka where he teaches Yoga and Meditation to Kids and others and inspires them to get strong both mentally and physically by practicing Yoga and Meditaion. He plays with them to get physical activity for himself and Kids. He says, he is building the next generation who are the future prospects for mother India.
He says, he was inspired by one of the events from his childhood, where he has taken part in Adult Education activity where he went to houses of people to find the illiterate people to empower them with education, so that they will be self dependant without getting cheated by others because of lack of education.
Now he is setting up a world class Educational Academy to impart quality education to underprivileged children to encourage the kids who have got tremendous skills but because of financial backwardness could not afford quality education. He believes kids get complete education only when they learn ethics and how to use their education for the empowerment of Mother India. Also he says, kids are lacking physical activity these days because of their involvement with electronic gadgets most of the time. He has setup a huge playground for the kids where they grow physically and outshine in their education by getting ethical learning with samskaras.
What a personality he is…I just thought it is going to be one other interview but I am totally transformed now after this meeting with him…
Salute to a man who is working relentlessly for making India a superpower in the world, A dream he sees everyday whether he is asleep or awake and every minute of the day…
And finally he says, he is inspired by none other than the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.